Al-Noor & MAS LA Umrah

Led By Shaykh Ebrahim Kamel & Imam Ahmed Gehan

Embark on a transformative journey to the sacred and blessed lands of Makkah and Madinah. Immerse yourself in the profound spiritual experience of performing Umrah, purifying your soul from the weight of accumulated sins, and enriching your heart with heightened faith.

By joining this program, you’ll not only have the opportunity to partake in this unique spiritual journey but also enjoy the numerous benefits of being in Makkah and Madinah. These blessed cities offer an atmosphere like no other during this sacred month, providing a chance for profound reflection, spiritual growth, and a deeper connection with your faith.

Safeguarding Your Health on Your Journey is our Priority

Temperature checks will be taken before trips for your safety.

Wearing masks on your journey helps keep everyone safe.

We’re committed to facilitating physical distancing.

All guests and staff are to adhere to sanitizing procedures at all times.

We’re adhering to best practices for cleanliness and disinfection. 


After years of facing towards this great city in each and every prayer and learning about the magnificent history of this most blessed place on Earth, you can now finally pray in front of the first house built and dedicated for the worship of Allah – the Ka’bah. You’ll hear, live, the glorious call to prayer from the famous muadhins, calling ‘Allahu Akbar, Allaaaahu Akbar’ as the sound of the adhaan echoes from the speakers and moves your soul and elevates your imaan. As you join the rows, lines straight and hearts upright, seeking to draw closer to Allah, standing before Him in humility and prayer, you realise, Allah has chosen you to be His Guest in this great journey of faith.


Join us as we relive some of the most defining moments in the history of Islam. Experience the DST difference with our immersive historical tour of Makkah delivered by expert guides that will transport you a prophetic era.

A moving and inspiring story of seclusion and revelation, of prophethood and perseverance, it all starts with a trip to Jabal al Noor, the Mountain of Light, where the Prophet (ﷺ) first received revelation.

Learn about the persecution faced by early Muslims and how they were driven out of Makkah whilst holding firmly onto their faith. Learn about the migration of the Prophet (ﷺ) and the remarkable occurrences at Jabal Thawr that instilled within the believers lessons of tawakkul, of absolute, unwavering reliance in Allah SWT.

Visit the iconic Jabal Ar-Rahmah, the Mount of Mercy, whereupon the Prophet (ﷺ) delivered his famous last sermon and the site which forms the pinnacle of the rites of Hajj. Journey through Mina, the city of tents, where pilgrims follow the example of the Prophet and stay for several days during the Hajj and pelt the three Jamarat, symbolic of warding off the devil and rooted in the story of Ibrahim (عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ).

For the ultimate experience, join us for our unique and exclusive ‘Walking Tour of AlMasjid AlHaram’, where we recount some of the most notable moments and places, delivered by our renowned expert guides.

An immersive experience of the history of Makkah like never before.


Madinah is known and loved for the tranquillity that it brings to our hearts – that feeling that we have finally made it back home – home is definitely where the heart is and our hearts are profoundly connected with a deep love of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and his beautiful city. It is city that is filled with stories of love and sacrifice, of prophetic wisdom and illustrious companionship. Madinah is a city that keeps on giving – rich in history and lessons that build our faith and traditions and inspire us to become the best versions of ourselves. Welcome home, welcome to Madinah.


Travel back in time with us as we go back some 1400 years and relive some of the most significant moments in the life of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and his companions. Exclusive to DST, a unique and immersive experience that will leave you longing for more.

From the very first masjid built in Madinah, which the Prophet (ﷺ) himself help construct, Masjid Quba, to Masjid Qiblatain – the masjid of two qiblahs – where the companions prayed in two directions as the qiblah changed from Masjid Al Aqsa in Jerusalem to Masjid Al Haram in Makkah. Be prepared to be in awe of the rich history and insights gained from this tour.

You may be tempted to unsheathe your sword as we recount the epic Battle of Uhud where over seventy companions were killed, live and on site. You’ll get to ascend the archers mount as well as visit and pray for the Martyrs of Uhud.

For the ultimate experience, join us for our exclusive ‘Walking Tour of the Prophet’s Masjid’, where we recount some of the most notable moments in what was then the entire city of Madinah, delivered by our renowned expert guides.

An immersive experience of the history of Madinah like never before.

Package Information

Al-Noor & MAS LA Umrah

March 2 – 12, 2024

Travel Dates

Movenpick: Check in March 3 – Check out March 8
Conrad: Check in March 8 – Check out Mar 12


International Flight Included

Departs from Los Angeles LAX via Turkish Airlines

Led By Shaykh Ebrahim Kamel & Imam Ahmed Gehan

In Partnership with

Land & Air Package

Madinah: Movenpick Hotel | Makkah: Conrad Hotel

Quad $3,195 per person (for families only)
Triple $3,375 per person
Double $3,650 per person*


For individuals traveling alone, the double and triple occupancy options are based on availability of other single travelers



4 Nights in Madinah
4 Nights in Makkah
Daily open buffet breakfast/Suhoor at Hotels
Ground Transport to Hotels and Airports
Haramain train/Bus transfer from Madinah to Makkah
Guided Tour of Madinah – Mazarat
Guided Tour of Makkah – Mazarat
Virtual information session prior to departure
Umrah Lecture and Khatirahs on-site
Visa processing fees and Saudi health insurance


Lunch, Dinner, Iftar in hotels
Cost of PCR test on return (if applicable)
Cost of Saudi Sim card (if applicable)
Optional Tours
Umrah Visa fees
*In case of any quarantine due to COVID all expenses are not included for any days

I’m deeply thankful for all your kindness in assisting and guiding through this journey. May Allah bless you and all your loved ones with the best in this world and the next Ameen JAK.

Navid Khan

Columbus, OH

Thank you Dar El Salam for everything you have been amazing in every way and may Allah bless you and jazakom Allah Khairan .

Reema Alkaik

Los Angeles, CA

For more information please contact us at [email protected]
or call 310-641-4255 ext 137