A personal message for anyone feeling anxious about the delay in launching ALL Hajj packages and the overall process as a whole
Preparing for Hajj is a journey in itself—one filled with excitement, questions (oh, so, so many questions), and moments of reflection. For those embarking on this sacred path for the first time, it can feel overwhelming and even confusing. Hearing phrases like “be patient” “Tawakul” “Sabr” or “soon” might seem frustrating and unsettling, as they often remind us of the way “insha’Allah” has been misinterpreted over time to imply uncertainty rather than its true, beautiful intent of trust in Allah’s will.
For those who have been through this process before—whether it’s their second or third year—they’ll tell you that this phase, this period of preparation and waiting, truly reflects the essence of Hajj. It teaches you to embody patience, reliance on Allah, and surrender to His plans, which are lessons that will guide you not only now but also when you’re on the ground during Hajj itself.
We understand, though, that these things are easier said than done. When we were in your shoes, the “why’s”—and dear God, there were soooo many why’s—kept us up at night. Why is this taking so long? Why can’t I get a clear answer? Why does this part feel so disorganized? Who has the answers? The questions piled up, and the uncertainty felt endless. But through the years, we’ve come to realize something profound: those “why’s” were part of the process. They stretched us, tested our patience, and prepared us for what was to come.
You can plan and prepare meticulously. We can organize, arrange, and do everything possible to create the most seamless experience. You may even choose the highest-tier packages with all the comforts available. But the truth is, Hajj reminds us that nothing is guaranteed—except our perspective and how we choose to respond to the situations Allah places before us.
Some of you will experience immense barakah during your Hajj. You’ll meet people whose stories will leave you in awe, wondering if you were even in the same group because their experience seems so profoundly beautiful and spiritually uplifting. Others among us will be tested in ways we didn’t anticipate, uncovering personal weaknesses we didn’t know existed.
This journey is not just about the logistics—it’s about transforming yourself spiritually. Hajj is a mirror, reflecting both our strengths and areas where we can grow. The key is not in striving for perfection but in embracing the process with patience, humility, and trust in Allah’s decree. This can be especially challenging in a time when information feels limitless and capabilities seem boundless, yet Hajj reminds us that true reliance is on Allah alone.
As we continue to prepare and support you through this journey, remember that these moments of waiting, of anticipation, and even of confusion are part of your Hajj experience. Lean into them, make dua, and trust that Allah’s plan for you is perfect, even when it’s not immediately clear.
We’re here to guide you every step of the way to the best of our abilities, and we pray that your journey is filled with blessings, ease, and growth.
May Allah accept your intentions and grant you a Hajj Mabroor.